
Janine Lamontagne |

Beyond plastic

Refill, Return, Reimagine: Innovative Solutions to Reduce Wasteful Packaging

Single-use plastic packaging is so common in our everyday lives that a future without it might seem a long way off. But examples of what that future might look like are already here.


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Trouble in Toyland 2023

Consumer alerts

Trouble in Toyland 2023

Threats stem from toys with microphones, cameras and trackers, as well as recalled toys, water beads, counterfeits and Meta Quest VR headsets


Superfund Back on Track

Toxic threats

Superfund Back on Track

Superfund cleanups protect communities and the environment from toxics, but lack of funding slowed progress. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law put Superfund back on track.


Lawn care goes electric

Clean air

Lawn care goes electric

Gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment – lawn mowers, string trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, snow blowers and other machines – is noisy, polluting and putting our health at risk. Going electric could do a lot more than make our yards look better.


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